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radiant temperature中文是什么意思

用"radiant temperature"造句"radiant temperature"怎么读"radiant temperature" in a sentence


  • 辐射温度


  • Modelling and calculating of millimeter wave radiant temperature for armored target
  • Irradiance or its equivalent , the plane radiant temperature , can be simply measured
    可以简单地量测辐照度或其当量- -平面辐射温度。
  • In the following chapter , the energy conservation of air conditioning system with this new type was analyzed and the indoor thermal comfort was evaluated by indoor mean radiant temperature so the feasibility of this new type of air conditioning was primary demonstrated
  • The results indicate that drying thickness , radiant temperature and pressure of drying chamber are the most three significant factors . there ' s hardly any relationship between freezing rate and drying time , the sublimation drying time of slow freezing material is shorter than quick freezing one , but its desorption drying time is relatively longer , so the total drying time is approximately the same . the initial freezing temperature and freezing manner has little influence on vacuum freeze drying process
  • It is very difficult to analyze flame radiation in the cylinder of a diesel engine by theoretical method since flame radiation is a function of many parameters , such as the combustion process , the geometrical description of the chamber , the soot formation and oxidation processes , the soot radiant temperature and soot absorption coefficient . the radiant property of the flame in a cylinder is dependent on the combustion process . but the thermodynamic state of real engine cycles can be analyzed from the pressure - volume diagrams in the cylinder . thus a new thermodynamic computational model is set up for the flame radiation in the cylinder of a diesel engine based on the indirect relationship between the flame radiation and the pressure - volume diagram of the combustion process in this paper . the flame radiant heat flux in the cylinder of a di diesel engine is calculated with the variation of crank angle by this model . compared with measured values , the result of the computational values shows the model is available to represent the effects of flame radiation
  • Abstract : the paper established the idea of passive solar houses with zero - auxiliary heating source as well as the calculating method for the design and passive solar house . based on the ratio of radiant temperature difference i . e . thermal design and calculation method for passive solar houses with zero - auxiliary heating source
  • As we all know , occupants " thermal sense is mainly dependent on the six factors : inside air temperature , humidity , air velocity , mean radiant temperature , clothing and metabolism rate . the traditional hvac control system , neglecting other factors concerned with human comfort , only considering the inside air temperature and air humidity and indirectly impacting on occupants by the two parameters control , cannot satisfy the comfort requirement of occupants and is energy wasting as well
  • For the space heated by low - temperature water floor radiant heating system , the mean radiant temperature and air temperature are two main factors that affect the indoor thermal quality as well as the building energy consumption , so how to minimize the heating load as much as possible on the condition of securing thermal comfort demand
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